What is TPA Sports Foundation?
The TPA Sports Foundation is an educational nonprofit organization founded in 2003 by
a Georgia entrepreneur
and sports enthusiast. The letters TPA in TPA Sports stand for Total Package Athlete – one who has it all- physically, mentally and emotionally: an athlete who has made the commitment to himself, and gone above and beyond giving an average effort in every aspect of development, and can demonstrate that ability and resolve on and off the field. The TPA Sports Foundation encourages each individual to give his best effort at all times; and is committed to fostering an environment where individuals can reach their full potential while building Good Character, Confidence and making Smart Choices.
Who is the Foundation’s target audience?
The foundation has multiple audiences: 1) female athletes at the high school and collegiate levels; 2) members of the general public who are striving for a higher level of fitness and health; and 3) young gifted athletes, male and female ages 13 - 18, who have the potential to excel at the highest level, but do not have the resources to support their own development.
What is the Foundation’s mission and purpose?
The foundation’s purpose and mission is: (1) to spread the “Total Package” philosophy to children, youth and adults, and motivate them to embrace it as their own; (2) to promote and develop girls’ and women’s participation in sports on the playing field and in business; (3) to encourage youth and adults to pursue a healthy lifestyle involving less stress, more physical activity, and good nutrition; and (4) to support the development of young elite amateur athletes. We will accomplish this mission by providing education, information, resources, and support to those who want to improve their health & fitness, as well as raise their individual sport performance to the point of competing at the highest level. We will provide insight for the young athlete on the importance of having a balanced approach to their development.
Who is the Foundation’s leadership?
The Board of Directors and Advisors include business professionals from various backgrounds: corporate executives, sports industry, entrepreneurs, health & fitness industry, coaches, public service, primary and secondary education, financial advisors, and sports performance experts.
Why does the Foundation exist?
The foundation exist to use sports as a platform for children, youth, and adults to build healthy minds and bodies, confidence, self-esteem, and character, while learning about teamwork, goal setting, good communication and the pursuit of excellence. All of the foundation’s programs are structured to highlight these traits and support there development. The foundation also exists, to fill a void that may exist in the development and socialization of young elite athletes. Often times, this type of training, nurturing, and guidance are not being provided at home, nor in the youth’s immediate environment. Therefore, the foundation provides a medium by which these traits can be easily taught.
What is the Foundation’s financial goal?
The goal of the Foundation is to establish an annual operating budget of $500,000 dollars to support the programs, web site, and administrative management of the organization.
What are the sources of financial support for the Foundation?
The Foundation’s operating budget will consist of funds raised each year from individuals (50%), foundations (20%), corporations (20%), and internal revenue activity (10%).
What are funds used for?
The organization will spend only 25% of its operating budget on administration, with 75 cents of each dollar spent on providing educational programs, community projects, sports activities, internships and direct grants to organizations and/or individual athletes to support their development.
Why give to the Foundation?
The TPA Sports Foundation is addressing a need in the community that will have a favorable impact, both socially and healthfully for many years to come. The request for a gift is an invitation to join in a social change venture, an opportunity to invest in the health, empowerment and success of our youth through sports. The Foundation has established the 501 (c) 3 designation with the Internal Revenue Service. All donations made to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please give generously to support our mission and activities.